Wednesday 18 September 2013

T2- Understanding the limitations of the television ident


Typography being the art of typed text and how its displayed, For example the type of font, its size and its colour.

For idents from big brand broadcasters such as BBC Typography can be limiting as it only allows small change in text between the many channels to keep a constant identity between them which limits the individuality of the channels to there audiences.

However this consistency with slight changes can make certain channels within a broadcaster more memorable as they see the variations quite often creating a level of channel loyalty as well as promoting a common brand identity that people can remember and associate BBC to when they see something that reminds them of the typography.
 Colour is limiting as to keep a constant brand identity every ident has to have there channel linking colour in it.

 For example E4 has purple throughout its idents this is beneficial as it reminds you of E4 when you see the colour purple and making E4 recognisable just be the colour purple. Similarly to BBC one's Constant theme of red which has the same effect. this can limit what the creators can do with idents having to require a specific colour in each ident all the time however this also allows the designers to creatively design many subtle ways to import the channel colour without it being overly obvious which creates a subconscious link of the colour to the channel.

Aspect ratio

The aspect ratio is the size of a image on a screen or monitor. For idents the aspect ratio has to be 16:9,(a widescreen resolution) it has to be this resolution as nearly all TV's in households are now widescreen.
If a ident was in 4:3 resolution it wouldn't fit on a widescreen TV leaving black space.
This has little or no impact in ident making apart from making sure the ident is high quality otherwise it will look bad on the bigger 16:9 widescreen TV's.

Adhering to a desired tone- 

Idents have multiple purposes one such purpose is to adhere to a desired tone, which means that they need to fit a certain tone that draws in specific audiences such as channel four's idents which are calm more relaxed than other idents and worldly settings, thus fitting a more middle aged audience.
whereas idents from a channel like dave are more energetic random and action focused fitting more for teens to young adults.
This is a good feature of idents as it draws in the specific audiences that the tone is set for however that also alienates the other audiences not covered in the tone, which can reduce ratings on that channel.


Idents have to fit a number of needs and one such need is to fit in any length of time when there are breaks in program scheduling and technical errors occur. these idents need to be able to fit very small amounts of time such as 10 seconds a example of such is nickelodeon idents. additionally the idents need to be able to fit long periods of times as well when there are major technical errors from a minute up to 5/10 minuets. various durations of idents such the bbc one dogs ident which has a short and extended versions are useful to fit any situation however they can be repetitive and boring if shown for extended periods of time or repeatedly.

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