Wednesday 11 September 2013

T1-Understanding the purpose of television idents and the opportunities they present

Identifying the channel

The most recognisable role of a channel ident is to identify the channel you are viewing.

The first ident was implemented in 1953 to resolve the identifying issue of channels posed by the broadcasting of alternate channels to the BBC such as ITV, The first ident being for BBC was nicknamed "bat wings" due to the shape of the graphic.

Organising the schedule

Idents also play a important role in informing the viewer of the next program and following programs and entice the viewer to carry on watching as they may enjoy what they have been informed is next.

Segmentation of scheduling

Idents play the vital role in scheduling to fill time between programs to promote programs, to provide a break for hosts on 24 hour shows such as BBC news which has no adverts and to fill time to regulate time scheduling on non commercial channels with no adverts such as BBC who implement various length idents to fit the amount they need to use.

Creating the correct tone and appealing to the target audience

As well as identifying the channel the ident provides the audience with information about the channel and shows the target audience of the channel creating the right tone for the channels "brand"to keep the target audience interested and allow the target audience to become familiar with the logo and style of the channel providing a visual reminder whenever they see something similar to the channels style and make them want to watch the channel.
Such as the targeted focus on young adults and teens on BBC3-

Creating corporate identity

Ident additionally fulfill the role of creating a corporate identity By creating a brand easily recognisable  by the ident in numerous countries and consistency between multiple channels under the same name enhances the status of the corporate identity of the broadcaster.

Branding for particular content

Idents also can be used to promote certain programs or events to draw views for that specific program and incite audiences to watch that channel as it may have other similar programs to the one they like that they may enjoy, advertise a channel rebranding and a new channel.

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