Tuesday 1 October 2013

T1 - Target Audience Research

E4 is generally understood to be a channel for teens and young adults for 16-26.

survey to gather information about the target audience and dissecting a E4 ident.


1. Though the results it shows overall that when teen channels are watched most people watch them all week
2. For the amount of hours viewers spend on teen channels it can vary greatly from an hour up to 24 hours a week(question has been changed to fit under hours in a week) however there is a focus on the higher amount of hours.
3.For favourite colour the results are equal between purple and gray but more results are needed for a clear definitive majority colour liked.
4. Analising the results there seems to be a majority of two groups of which one group watches more than 24 hour a week and another that only watches between 12-18 hours a week.
5. From the results there is a clear Like for comedy over other genres.
6. of enjoyable locational settings Urban, Countrysude, space and seaside are equaly chosen to be liked however a dessert setting had very little support aswell as a jungle setting to a lesser degree.
7. There is, from the results, around the board possitivity for this ident.
8. From the results the good points that have been pointed out are, it is random and different which kept it interesting and the music is relaxing.
9. The bad points of this itent which have been pointed out are; It is too long, too slow and boring when repeatedly viewed.
10.Too improve this ident there is several points given such as; Make the ident shorter/quicker and add more hidden secrets into the ident so there is more to look at/find.
Summary: Overall from the results i have come to the conclusion that teen channels are watched often and over many hours of the week and as such the ident need to random, have a hint of purple, have some form of comedy and be short and quick. 

1 comment:

  1. Make sure you analyse the results and write a summary of your findings.
